Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones Review

WOW AGAIN!!! So if the Burn Fat Boot Metabolism was like The Shred on crack, this was Burn Fat Boost Metabolism on crack! My abs are throbbing... is that possible?!

Like Burn Fat, the premise of the video is the same, you start with a 5 minute warm up, then do 6 circuits of 5 or 6 moves and repeat. The workout is also 60 minutes.

This video, however, focuses on strength moves more than anything. There are no cardio moves, but Jill brings back the weights and lunges - hardcore!
I used my 5 lb. weights, and Jillian even says during one of the circuits yes, I'm using 3's, because she wants you to do quality moves, lots of reps, and she wants you to really tone. During the first circuit, all about shoulders and theighs/butt, I started with my 8's but switched to 5's during the second move! It was ROUGH!
I really liked this video, it is a serious butt-kicking! I wish there was a little cardio, but I also like how the weights were brought back and the abs were really challenged. I think doing a combo of these two videos is really going to shock my body a bit, and hopefully help me kickstart the metabolism and burn some serious fat!
Again, Jillian uses a few of The Shred's moves, but incorporates many new ones. This DVD really targets the shoulders, bi- and tricepts, abs, theighs and butt. I haven't felt sore in a long time from a workout, but I think I'll be feeling this in my butt tomorrow!

I am definitely going to buy these 2 DVDs this weekend, but use the comcast on demand until then! I highly, highly recommend them! They are a bit longer, so I'm thinking I'll still run/shred 3-4 days a week, and do either of these 2 on the alternating days. I also did the elliptical for 30 minutes when I did "Burn Fat..." so I'll probably elliptical tonight just to get a little cardio in! But it's totally not necessary because this is an hour workout, I just like to do a little cardio when watching TV.

Thanks, Jillian.... if you ever read this! And I really like your headband in the DVDs :)


  1. Thanks for both reviews! I currently use the shred as my "fill in" workout for days I can't get to the gym, but I find it a wee bit easy to do -- looks like these two are my next purchases!

    As far as this one not having any cardio -- I imagine you could time yourself and pause it periodically to do jumping jacks or kicks or something....

  2. Great reviews!!!! Once the mini training is behind me I am looking forward to getting back to Jillian!!

  3. Thank you Thank you! I am a Shred lover, but I did not know this existed! I'll be sure to pick these up!

  4. Thanks so much for the info, I definitely need to pick this one up.

  5. I tried the metabolism booster video on demand last night and I agree, it was great! I am going to the the No More Trouble Zones tonight. I love the Shred series, but sometimes 20 minutes feels like it's not enough. The hour long workouts are perfect for a few times a week when I need a little more.

  6. I know this is gross, but the sweat was literally dripping off of me in this workout.

    It was HARD. But totally worth it!


  7. Hi Ash:

    Thanks for this review. I posted a link to your review in my blog this evening. We rotate schedules every 2 weeks at work and now I'm working 2nd shift for 2 weeks and it sucks because I usually workout in the early evening right after work. Thanks to this review I did the 'No More Trouble Zones' workout on Exercise TV on Demand tonight. It was challenging but I made it through the entire workout and plan to do this every night when I get home. Thanks so much.:-)

    Ms. Diet Diva
    (Charlotte, NC)

  8. I bought both videos at the beginning of the month and have lost almost 10 lbs.! Way more than I thought being I only have about 25 more to lose. The first time I did the Burn Fat video I think my toenails were sweating and as for the No More Trouble Zones I don't think you need cardio if you use both videos alternating them. I alternate them and do each 3 times a week...

  9. This DVD, along with 30 Day Shred and Boost Metabolism, is hard. But after every workout I feel AMAZING. Yes, I'm exhausted, sweaty, and my muscles are aching and trembling, but I feel energized and sharper mentally. I exercise five days a week, alternating workout videos, and take the weekends "off", during which I find I now have more energy to do everything from working in the garden to running around theme parks. I'm actually sleeping better too.
