Friday, May 8, 2009

Group Chat Moved....and Week 7

Hi Everyone! Since Mother's Day is Sunday, I'm going to postpone group chat to
TUESDAY, MAY 12 @ 8pm EST (during The Biggest Loser Finale!)

As always, group and non-group members are welcome.

Week 7 stats...
Loss: -.5lbs
Cumulative: -1.5lbs
Eh, I'm apathetic towards it. Stressful work week and eating out have not helped. Also I'm having some serious knee pain, I'm going to have JJ take a look at it tonight.
This weekend will be rough food-wise, hopefully I'll get a long run in on Sunday...
Have a nice mom's day, all!

Hopefully Pumpkin ::cough::JJ::cough:: will do something nice for me ;)


  1. Hey-- a loss is a loss! .5 pounds = 2 sticks of butter not on your butt!!

    I lost 1.8 this week. That is 15 since the start of the year and - 7 since the start of your challenge!

  2. Good Job! Keep plugging away.
    I am down 2 lbs this week, for a total of 11 since we started 20/20 and 26 lbs since starting WW mid February. Only 28 more to goal.

  3. -.5 lb is GREAT! Every week/month/year cannot be perfect and so anything is better than nothing. I always like to think of how, on the biggest loser, they have weeks where they lose only one or two pounds or even GAIN weight. And they are exercising FULL TIME. The rest of us have to deal with real life in the process, and so we just can't expect to drop 10 lb per week. In light of that, I think .5 lb is realistic. Plus, they say that the slower the weight loss, the more likely you are to keep it off.

  4. Hey Ash...

    I found your site this morning by Googling Jill's 30 Day Shred. And two hours or so later, I have systematically read your archives! You're amazing and inspiring and generally terrific. I'll be back. And I may even start a fitness blog of my own. I'm so full of shame for how unhealthy I let myself become that I will most likely use a pseudonym!

  5. Oh Ash, I can't join in the group chat. It's my Mom's birthday so I'll be spending the evening with her. I'm making your cookie cake and turning it into a desert pizza with cool-whip, strawberries and bananas on top. Yum! A major workout will be needed on Wednesday.

  6. Ash you have been really quiet lately. I check your blog quite frequently and I get bummed when there is no updates. Hope you are doing ok. Keep chugging. You inspired me to run my first 5k last March and Im a devout JM FAN TOO.
