Sunday, March 29, 2009

Week 1 Results!

Congrats to Joy and Pam for losing 5 lbs this week!
Here is how everyone else did ----
(I'm only posting the losses of those who emailed me this weekend)

Week 1 Loss

Allison B 1.5
Amanda G 2
Amanda H 0.5
Amanda NY 0.6
Amy Ma 4
Amy R 1.2
Amber 3
Andrea L 1.2
Angela N 1.2
Andrea S 2
Anna 3.3
Ash 1.5
Ashley R 0.5
Ashley S 2
Becky 1
Beth 1
Benita 2.2
Bev 1
Carrie 0.6
Cassie 1
Charlotte 1.5
Chelsie 1
Cindy 2
Colleen 1.8
Courtney S 3
Courtney W 1
Ellen 0.2
Emily G 2
Emily Sm 1.5
Erin C 2.8
Erin A 2
Heather B 3
Heather Mu 0.2
Heidi 0.2
Holly H 0.5
Jacqui 2.4
Jaime 2
Jamie Ba 1.8
Jamie Br 2
Jen F 1
Jen M 4
Jenn B 1.5
Jenn G 4
Jennifer J 0.6
Jesse 0.5
Jessica A 0.6
Jessica De 1.8
Jessica Ke 2
Jessica Ko 0.5
Jessica MR 0.8
Jessica T 3
Jessica W 1.8
Jill D 1.2
Joy 5
Jules 2.5
Karly 1
Kate J 1.2
Kate Q 1
Katie O 1.2
Kirstie 1
Kelli 4
Kelly 2
Kendra 1
Kim B 2.2
Kristi 4
LaShawn 1.5
Lauren 2
Lex 2.2
Lianne 1
Linnea 2.2
Liz 3
Lyndsey 1
Mckay 1.2
Megan A 2
Megan D 3.8
Megan KT 1
Meghan 0.9
Michelle R 0.4
Mindy C 0.5
Mindy D 1
Misha 3
Monique 2
Natalie 1
Nicole H 2.8
Nicole M 0.6
Nicole Z 2
Pam 5
Rachel 1.2
Ruth 2
Samantha 0.5
Samantha S 2.8
Sandy 2
Sara M 0.8
Sara H 1
Sarah L 1.2
Sarah SS 2.2
Lena 0.9
Stacy 1.2
Stormy 1.4
Tessa 1
Tricia A 0.5
Tricia C 0.4
Vickie 2
Vicky 2.8
Yael 0.5
Zania 2

Our group of 167 started at 27,635.2 lbs.
This week we lost 163.1 lbs (or more, I didn't get emails from about 20 people)

Great job, everyone!

Another thing I want to note is today at the chat, we had 4-5 people. It's really hard to carry on a great chat when so few people are there. There are about 30 people who recieve transcripts, so I'd like to find another time when all 30 people can be there.
I'm also thinking maybe we should have a host each week who should have a few topics on hand to discuss, or I can plan the discussion topics and post what they'll be the day before so you all can think about it. Does that sound like something anyone would be interested in? Or do you like the chats as they are?


  1. I Ashlee, I have been unable to attend chats as I can not remember the times and days. Can you post a reminder for us? Wed. are hard as I leave work at the time of the chat. I hope to make one of them.

  2. Great job everyone! I can't wait until I get to post the 5lbs badge on my site!

  3. Good job everyone. I am hoping to pull a bigger number this week. When & where is the chat?

  4. Great job everyone! I'm a late-comer to the group & can't wait to 'meet' you all :)

    Ashlee, just wanted to let you know you spelled my name's Benita :)

    I'd love to join a chat sometime, but not sure how to go about it.

  5. I know I realized at 4pm yesterday that the chat was going on. I keep forgetting when the chats are!

  6. Hi~

    I like the chat time on Wednesday night. It is hard for me to make chats during the day of the weekends, as the weekend days are busy with other obligations. I like the ideas of plan the discussion topics and post what they'll be the day before. As long as there is still the element of being able to throw in a discussion topic if it is on our mind right then.

  7. Wow- go us! I would like to do the chats as well, but the times you picked just didn't seem to work out well for me. I will definitely keep up on when they are and join as I can.

  8. great job everyone!! :D Keep up the hard work!

  9. Congrads everyone. Lets keep up the good work.
    Chats are hard for me to attend as I work 12 pm to 9 pm.
    But Happy to see the results are good.

  10. WOOHOO great job ladies!! I can usually make it to chat, even though it's right around the dinner/clean up time in my house. But if I plan the evening well, I can generally make it. I think a topic would be a good idea.
