Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Last 25 Workout Schedule

Working out has always been a struggle for me. It's so rewarding, yet so hard! I think diversification is key to overall good health, keeping all muscles working and moving. For my last 25 lbs., I want to focus on working out hard and long. Here is my current workout schedule for the next few months. However, the running amounts will change up a bit when I begin the 10k training program.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Run 3 miles, Shred Level 3, Walk/Run 1 mile with Pumpkin

Tuesday, Thursday: Swim, Shred Level 1, Walk/Run 1 mile with Pumpkin

Saturday: Run 3+ miles, Shred Level 2, Walk/Run 1 mile with Pumpkin, Bike 5 miles

Sunday: Swim, Shred Level 2, Walk/Run 1 mile with Pumpkin, 1 additional fitness activity as time allows*

Some additional fitness activities I like to do on Sunday with my husband are golf or play tennis.


  1. Hi Ash! I'm a new reader -- found this blog via your foodie blog!

    I see that you work out 7x a week -- aren't you concerned about having enough "downtime" in your schedule?

    Purely curiousity! I, too, have 20-25 lbs to go, but I've always heard you should schedule yourself rest days.

  2. Do you do any strength training other than the shred?

  3. melissa - the only strength training i do is the shred. it gives my muscles a really good workout! any suggestions for another good strength training workout???

  4. Well other than the shred, I do try to do some good old fashioned free weight lifting. This site has some good total body workouts: http://exercise.about.com/cs/exerciseworkouts/l/bltotalworkout.htm
