Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Today at the Y, I went to a class called Body Pump. It's a great strength training workout that really gets the heartrate going. Basically you get a bar and weights, and you work out a specific muscle group nonstop for a song at a time. The class was an hour long, full of squats, lunges, rows, bicep curls, crunches, pushups, and oh.my.god. more shoulder presses and chest presses than I've ever done. I'm not sore, but my arms feel like jelly. I can barely pick them up. I'm so glad that I've getting a great upper body workout with this class!
So it looks like my tentative schedule is going to be

Monday - Spinning
Tuesday - Body Pump
Wednesday - Spinning
Thursday - Body Pump
Friday - off or Elliptical
Saturday - Run at home 5-7 miles, Yoga at the Y
Sunday - Run at home 4-5 miles

I think that this will be a good schedule to keep for at least the next few months while I'm working on losing the last bit of weight. After that, I'll probably go to working out 5 days per week.

I am so tired, so I'm off to watch The Office....


  1. That's awesome that you're getting involved in so many classes! I need to do more of that!

  2. Holy-workouts-batman! That is a lot of gym time. Get it girl! Those last lbs are going to melt off!!

  3. Body Pump is a great class, love how you start to see results sooo quick :)

  4. Body Pump is awesome! I'd recommend Body Attack too, if your gym offers it. I bet you'll be sore tomorrow, but it will feel good! One of the main things that keeps me motivated to go to at least one pump class a week is that I know if I don't, I'll get sore again when I start back up.

  5. Awesome schedule! I hope to get into something soon too.

    Melissa H

  6. A few posts ago you mentioned you started running by following the Couch to 5K program. I'm curious, did you bring a stop watch with your or something to time yourself so you knew when to switch between walking and jogging? I'm starting to try to run and I think I need something specific to follow as I don't really know what I'm doing. =(


  7. Sounds like a great schedule. I'm scared of spinning even though I really want to do it!

  8. That sounds like a good schedule. I have noticed since I really started lifting that it is burning the calories since I am building muscle. I love it! Good luck!

  9. I'm glad you liked body pump! I felt the same way after my first class, and I couldn't work out for a week I was so sore! Now its much easier, and you can challenge yourself by adding more weights!

  10. I walked into a Body Pump class at my gym one time. I was so intimidated that I walked right out. I do want to give it a try though. I'm glad you liked it. Your workout schedule sounds great!

  11. I love gym classes because they push me harder then I would normally push myself... and it's nice to have people suffering with you :)

  12. Wow, that's alot of working out! I consider it success when I go to the gym three times a week!
